Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Legend of the black shadows

We are not talking about people actual form Zlalhm after shedding the light at them Kdu room or camp fire or the sun and we are talking about shades of mysterious formed without evidence of a persons real on the ground may take the shadows forms of humans dressed in clothes belonging to the time immemorial, called this phenomenon to the phenomenon of the owners of the black shadows shadow People, who are these and where the world? Is it coming from my place after the last in the universe, or from another time? How Zlalhm formed and appeared in our world? It is still a vague mystery to this day. Observers of this phenomenon finds an increasing trend in the occurrence of the many views that have occurred to some people around the world, in an attempt to understand the characteristics of the phenomenon had Stephen Wagner, a writer interested to study mysterious phenomena in the network About e-known meeting with Jason Offutt, author of Darkness Walks or "dark walks" the following is the text of the meeting, which was published in the About network

Q: It seems that the phenomenon of the owners of the black shadows experiencing common good, do you think of this phenomenon is generally a link with what we consider to be ghosts and haunted places?

Jason: The answer is yes and no the same time, according to research I have done and found that this phenomenon may be included under several categories of mysterious phenomena, including ghosts and the places inhabited, and in any case can be likened to many of the views as the image of reflection in the mirror for a virtual ghost is a The vast majority of views, and many of them contain more dark NOTE darkness from the darkness of the night and shadows of human body you see walking across the bedroom and living room .. etc.. Often the owners of the pacifists and the black shadows are usually not aware of those who watched.

Not my intention to give a specific percentage because the people I spoke to assured me see real things were moving and trying to scare them, but there are also millions of people who Zaroa cast was a regular, nevertheless realized what they are and thus forgot her quickly, however there are many, many views misconceptions that were not representing the views of the phenomenon, ill-conceived and observations resulting from nightmares and sleep disturbance and other cases with psychological explanation is embodied in the mind of his mind the case of patients with psychosis. Yes, I would say that some of the views were just under a coat or suit pending or optical illusion or remained normal or were due to changes in chemical in the brain, but all those views are for people who wake up to see the blur in their eyes, or watched something from the corner of their eyes, in my book, Darkness Views Walks said all the real owners of the phenomenon of black shadows, and many of those views occurred in daylight and when people in the case of vigilance and awareness of those around them

In another phenomenon is different from that phenomenon, is history: a number of people who did not know them under, including Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, as stated in a talk of the companions who were with him (Read about under the Messenger of Allah), and interpreted by some as the presence of an aura strong Gaar visible radiation from a light around him to prevent him to the ground, called the areola with aura

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