Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Legend eat sins

Eat sins Sin-Eater is the belief prevailed in the past a number of cultures and disappeared only since recently, and eat sins is a person who acts as the processor, where the traditional spiritual practice rituals designed to cleanse Harfhm who die from their sins. According to this belief as a whole absorbs the sins, the sins of the people who provide them with that service for a fee agreed upon in consume those sins, usually through food, drink and eat sins also takes his share of the meal is in the process

 Usually ate the sins of the castaways, where this work is believed to be degraded and drag them to hell after death due to get them the sins of others that can not be forgiven. The Roman Catholic Church is to renounce eaters sins in an orderly manner, especially when he was deployed wide not because of sins, the additional carried by them only, but also because of the violation of the role of priests who are supposed to be supervising the completion of the last rites to the dying, according to Church doctrine, according to the belief of the alleged, the eat sins does not save the person who is about to die from the torment of hell, but also prevents him from earth to wander in a ghost after death, and that provides that service as a whole sins of the living or the Mandharan only according to some traditions while practicing these rituals during the funeral.

As part of the ritual practice of the person dying the whole sins usually consume pieces of the bread as estimated also deals with salt or drinking water or ale (a type of drink beer and is common in the English countryside), and in some cases attend the bread special for that purpose on the form of a deceased person or paint it the first letters and passed a meal in some cases, before the body of the deceased or dying person, or be placed on his chest to symbolize the process of absorbing the sins of the person and which may eat the sins read a special prayer.

For this belief is linked British Isles, but there are traditions similar in other cultures also may have evolved from forms of more traditional rituals, instead of the appointment of a pariah to act as a whole sins of the town is closest to the person of the deceased or dying person that role on the style popularized back in Bavaria and the Balkan Peninsula. In the Netherlands and some parts of England distributes baked goods to those who attend the funeral and also to the pallbearers. Lived tradition of the last for some time in New York today, it died a whole tradition of sins and become mostly part of popular culture.


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