Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Contact the dead

Phenomenon votes Electronic Electronic Voices Phenomena, a term stands for a shortcut to EVP explains being a phenomenon of the votes recorded on the recording devices, no matter what kind, to be a source of votes in violation of the familiar, or, as some claim, that they record the voices of the dead and their attempts to contact us is usually these sounds short and quick and rarely last for a complete word and clear, and perhaps one or two at most, was recorded a complete sentence understood and believed the faithful to the phenomenon of EVP that these voices are the voices of the lives of those who died, the evidence that you do not hear while in the process of registration, but when it is finished and begins to hear their voices spirits of the dead left on the tape directly, without knowing or understanding how?!

 In a few days fondles Edison press of the Journal of Scientific said he is working on inventing a device that will be used to contact the dead, of course, publish a press enthusiastic story to raise a stir, even announced that Edison as a joke offended the journalist to understand, but Bdaapth This aroused the interest of many, is it really possible to invent a device to connect to the dead ? In the fifties enthusiasm of the world von Salaze of the idea, and he with the world Raymond Biles design a simple device consisting of cabins closed the microphones connected to a recording and external speakers, and then began to register, to note an important point during the registration process did not hear any sound from inside the cabin through the speakers, but when began to fill the recording device sounds strange intermittent sounds in the breasts do not have a source not only when you hear the record, what is the source

Immediately announced Salaze that life is the source of these sounds, and he published and Raymond studies in this regard in the journal Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research and the Salaze in 1979 published his book, phone calls from the dead Phone Calls from the Dead In 1959, the Swedish director Friedrich Jornson filming a short film about singing birds, while listening to the notes after the registration, there are voices of human figures appeared in the background .. Specifically a man's voice from an unknown source speaking Norwegian.

 Raised what happened interesting Friedrich breaks his recordings, to announce after a period he was able to record a message from his mother's deceased co-Friedrich in his research scholar psychological Konstantin Rodev who has logged more than 100 thousand registered, contain all the voices of human figures speak more than one language, so he introduced his recordings this to the public, to make sure that it is not the only one who heard it, and help him to translate what you say these sounds .. Then go to the most important step is to be recorded questions and expected answers to these questions appear on the tape later, and then introduced these recordings to start a controversy.

Majority declared failure, because the sounds that emerged in these recordings, the answers are words and nothing to do with the questions asked here Rodev stop Rodev for his research, and forgot all subject until 1980. This year, a scientist and William O'Neill invented a device he called the pickup lives Spiricom device invented by William at the direction of the world, George Muller, who died six years ago, leaving his research for the William and in 1982 announced that William was able to have a conversation with the spirit of a dead man with his machine,

And has published specifications apparatus to become accessible to everyone without charge, but can not one of the implementation of the device successfully, or use to connect to anything, even announced a partner, William Finally, the success of William is due to its psychological of extraordinary In 1982, Sarah Aastep establishment of the American Association for the phenomenon of votes e American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena, an association not-for-profit, but to educate the public on this phenomenon, also announced Sarah as practiced record this phenomenon since 1976, and managed to record voice messages for some Oqarabhaoasedkaúha, and it has an audio tape of a man of the eighteenth century , and voices coming from other planets.

 In March 2003, a researcher at the science behind the nature of Alexander Macrih design a special device called the device alpha, for use in recording some of the votes analyzed and tested, and then presented to the public to make sure that they will be meaningful to them, before it is published as a result of his research in 2005. And this continued obsession with this subject, and then doubled its importance when he began interested in science as Roa nature linking this phenomenon with ghosts and ways to find them and their catch, and then played the Internet itself plays an important role in the dissemination of this phenomenon, as the researcher said John Zafas: I have hit the Internet searching for ghosts obsessed with real .

. It is where everything is possible, and researchers began to j the invention of devices based on this phenomenon, as the EVP meter which is used in determining the whereabouts of ghosts, and tape recorders, audio and video dedicated to record presence of ghosts and become sites that talk about ghosts and catch talking about this phenomenon, and provides audio recordings them, so much so that the location of International Ghost Hunters Society offers in its pages more than a thousand recording, purportedly a recording of a ghost then appeared locations far from the ghosts, caught, to declare that interest in the phenomenon itself, and how they can be used to connect to those who have left those who died.

 Because the phenomenon has become a reality is not inevitable, began interpretations to emerge in an attempt to understand some of these explanations rely on the science behind nature, including the theory that these sounds is the ability of life to leave their voices on the tapes directly, without explanation, or that this sounds a product superior mental capacity, those who perform the experiment, but they do not know they are the source of these sounds and, finally, that these sounds coming from other planets.

On the other hand appeared more rational explanations, including:
1 - This sounds to be a product of the electrical circuits in the recording devices, and able to pick up radio waves

- Theory of Pareidolia Auditory which depend on the human mind is trying to bring a voice to the voice of a random close to the memory, to the nearest word represented by that sound, for example, if I heard a voice say: Cal .. This was a sound close to the voice of your father, will believe that the voice of your father and that says a dog.

3 - technical defects which are not devoid of any device that may lead to the destruction of parts of the device Altgesal to be issued closer to the random sounds of words.

4 - Attempts to purify these sounds are what issued .. Vmrahal improve and refine and clarify the tape may lead to the issuance of these sounds.

Finally ... This phenomenon may be just repeating the lies and myths of science are invited, but whatever it has become the reality of this phenomenon exists and impressive .. And thus found their way from the world of research and studies to the world of literature and cinema. Writer American with Lebanese descent William Peter Plante author of the novel timeless Exorcist The Exorcist has written a second part to this novel he called Legio and it is one of the characters of the novel recording voices of the dead with apparent the EVP and the writer William Gibson using the same phenomenon in his novel Pattern Recognition, published in 2003 and in TV you will find mention of the phenomenon in the series famous ghost Whisper in the documentary ghost Hunters, they're using this phenomenon to measure the presence of ghosts in their attempts to contact them in the cinema you'll find mention of this phenomenon in the movies Sixth Sense as a famous and White Noise.


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