Saturday, October 1, 2011

Interpretation of the dish the way aviation bird

Regardless of our opinion on the issue of UFO documented by a large number of reports, videos and eyewitnesses in different areas throughout the world and in different times or wondered who is behind this phenomenon, there is another question worthy of attention on how to enable it to float in the clouds form disc distinctive-free wings.

What prevents them from falling to the ground as if defying the laws of physics? In this article we will discuss several possibilities in the light of what we have reached our science so far, an attempt to explain the ingenious propulsion systems that many people believe that they are used by creatures to come from outside the Earth or even by the governments of our world.

Over many years has become the UFO (UFO) and creatures from beyond Earth obsession in our culture, she exclaimed human it and worked on the thinking of "the theory of payment" in an attempt to explain the movements silent in often startling always these foreign bodies are increasingly common. And would have thought of the brightest minds in the world gifted with this question raised many of the theories which varied in importance.

In fact we have two cases here and the reason is due to the nature of Aleoffo, if the ground Aleoffo origin or man-made or operated by him, the manner in which the rise will be somewhat simpler. But if (as many of his people) is any ground that they made ​​out of this world then we will come out the other questions is not limited to how the floats in the sky of this earth, but also will relate how she arrived from deep space?

In the case of travel between the planets or stars (or travel between distant galaxies), the problem of payment where the theory will be amplified somewhat. The state of the world (Albert Einstein) rules or, rather, laws have to be adhered to when considering the possibilities of travel between the stars, although the question: "Why do we always assume that creatures from outer space is committed to talent Einstein's superior when it was designed spacecraft?! ".

Theories leader in the field of "Travel the effective" between the stars (and we mean to travel effectively to be enough in terms of fuel consumption, but in terms of overcoming the travel time) talk about holes, worms, foldable space-time (time and place) to pay (management) to Quanta of light (unit of energy).

Many researchers believe that the learners "worm holes" and "closing the space-time" are the same thing, but some see that they differ significantly. And approved by most physicists, if not all of them that both of the theories mentioned require a suspension of one of the laws of physics, at least unmanageable change in the laws of our universe, which probably limits the speed of light and the equation of Einstein's key E = mc2 (energy = mass x speed of light squared), a the main offender in this argument is right.

What can we make here, according to what we have reached our knowledge is to know the payment (management) through the space-time and gravity and overcome the speed of light, may be able to us in the future of travel in our world and even to the nearest galaxies to us through the technology we have developed so that we can get to the point we find with new physical laws were not in sight now.

Let us leave the issue of travel between the stars to solve and answer about theoretical physics, and to make the issue more streamlined to be traveling between planets, it does not necessarily need a rocket to fly in the skies of Earth. But the main reason why the conduct of a mystery based Aleoffo to 3 of the ideas common in the traditional architecture of the IAF are:

) Travel speed of sound high beeps
This means that any object or vehicle is able to penetrate the sound barrier in the unseen will be issued by the voice of a very high, both from the point of engine operation (jet engines) or in interaction with sound waves (sonic booms), however, the vast majority of reports Aleoffo indicate no sound is either in operation or during the flight. There is no noise coming from the engine and sound bombs (and it seems that this defies the laws of Einstein again).

) Equal to the momentum of movement
This means the power of the pressure required to achieve flight in the aircraft model made ​​by humans caused by the fans Omahrkat jet, a series of large amounts of moving air between the rotors or jet engine, and as we know that for every action a reaction opposite to him in the direction and an equal force , this moving air through the rotor / motor increases significantly the pressure on the sides of the exhaust from the engine and thus raise the vehicle and make it able to fly.

While it seems that Aleoffo defy our law on aviation, which we do not have him change Faihom without sound or any obvious effect on the medium surrounding it, and also possesses the ability to accelerate immediately to reach speeds than the speed of sound in a moment, and the ability of immediate slowdown from very high speed to a standstill !

 Aerodynamics is the key to high-speed travel
When you look at any aircraft, jet or helicopter (Helicopters) used in the present day you will see at least something in common between the vehicles. Aerodynamic design is streamlined to the body and is necessary for the successful flight, because the wind resistance is the enemy of payment to the front, the more wind resistance of the aircraft the greater the momentum required to make them far from the ground and to get it in the air.

Aleoffo tend to violate this law as well, it is huge, heavy vehicles have square corners and flat surfaces facing the wind. So they tend very quickly a plane in the atmosphere in a way that seems completely ignores wind resistance.

So how do they do it? There are a number of theories floating around, including the leading theory of the most widely accepted theories and the reasonableness of which is thought to "push the anti-gravity."

Theory payment of anti-gravity
Among many others spent the Professor (Powell Avoyt) for several years and examines the theory explains the payment of anti-gravity has surprised a lot of people that were submerged physicists working on this idea for more than half a century.

Alkahrojazbah Electrogravitics theory was developed by (Thomas Townsend Brown) in the early twenties of the last century, the first hint of humanity to use technology that can be called "technology terrestrial creatures" with all the trials (Brown) anthropogenic

Used (Brown) in his experiments the first two sheets of semiconductor material isolated high-resistance and hanging from the ceiling of his lab through the thin wire. When the application of electric current on one of the tablets was found that the entire capital slightly in one direction, that the unity of the entire swayed slightly in one direction.

This was the beginning of the idea say that it is possible to generate an electric gravity. He had contributed a small number of talented scientists to the progress of experiments based on this idea, prompting the theory of anti-Antigravity attractive to a new level.

Has made it clear (to Avoyt) this basic idea in his book titled "Secrets of payment systems, anti-gravity" The Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion, which is that by doing a complex process of rotation of conductors and insulators and high doses of electricity can be generated iceberg or a tunnel of gravity. This can be used as a means of flood management systems less dependent on the strength of payment systems and the like.

 If the vehicle is equipped with anti-gravity drives the direction of the engine (in the picture shows two panels conductive and insulating layer tapping their feet the moment the application of electrical current) that determines the direction of travel.

When is the application of the current course, the flood of gravity is formed at the front of the vehicle (the desired direction of travel), leading to their occurrence during the field Jazba artificially, and in essence travel of these vehicles through the shafts elevators is visible is where he always is to reach out never to basement. And is controlled acceleration and deceleration by the amount of and changes in electrical current that feeds the engine parts, which increase or decrease the force of gravity.

If you are able to understand the concept of trust in any amount, you can simply begin to see how it plays with the laws of Einstein Aleoffo and achieve speeds and maneuvers can not be achieved by conventional aircraft.

Is the dynamics of air will lower with falling objects, compared with its role in the province of the body to fly against gravity and, secondly, the current electric that is being fed through the conductors to be silent about, and therefore no noise in the engine, and also because the vehicle is technically not moving more quickly than the final speed of gravity within its field that are working and not having to breach in the wall of sound in practice and therefore there is no sound bombs, and does not require a third body momentum when it can fall simply fall through the air.

 There are of course some of the other theories that are more or less credible than stated, butthere is still something, and he that no one knows yet how or why flying in our skies that way by them, although the side issue of this kind had been put forward to achieve the They believed aconspiracy or a crisis of confidence in our Governments.

If you enable a group of physicists backbench modest budgets to produce and test the payment systems of anti-gravity, that would not stand also an impediment to research funded bygovernments in their quest for the manufacture of vehicle ground defying gravity.

It is clear that he would not speak any of them to answer the question of who will lead the vehicle, but the next time you considered the sky and wonder whether the light is strange vehicle for thecreatures floor or is it the secret government to manufacture aircraft will remember that this technology is not too far of reach

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