Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Phenomenon Alzino Glosaa - speak for another, and another voice

Recorded a lot of cases, members of the community (young and old) suddenly started speaking a strange language not known before, and it sometimes occurs spontaneously during the hypnosis sessions are subject to the (suggestive) or magnetic states of consciousness in one of the alternative Kagheibobh or sleep).

And sometimes is so pronounced a few words spoken by the person then do not soon disappear from his memory completely, and in other cases, a person becomes a strong tongue in this language, which surprisingly is the existence of allegations about the number of people who had Ntqgua languages ​​of the ancient erased from the face of the earth or practices that but scientists in the field of archeology and ancient civilizations, we speak here about the phenomenon called Mauraúah "Zinoglosaa" Xenoglossia.

And strike, for example, that phenomenon, he knew only the English people has never learned or been subjected to any other language in his life and then suddenly begin to speak in "Swahili" and fluently! Is this a real phenomenon

 Origin of the term due to Zinoglosaa Xenoglossia Greek language (ancient Aleonana), a compound word of two parts, first is Zinos xenos means foreign or strange thing and the second is Glosa glossa means language, tongue, and thus becomes a compound word meaning "strange language".

Zinoglosaa find an example of the Pentecostal religious movement which believes that all Christians need to live a unique test in order to be truly Christian, and this test is called the "baptism of the Holy Spirit." Must be identical to what he faced the twelve apostles of Christ (Disciples of Christ) is reported in the Bible when the Holy Spirit came upon them in today's session of Christ's ascension to heaven (the day of Pentecost). The Spirit was evident to them through a variety of signs including: speaking in tongues and different forecasting and heal the sick, consider this a spiritual gift from God.

In the world there are thousands of documented cases of Zeinouglasaa known and non-documented, and hundreds of them documented in various scientific studies. And according to the languages ​​extinct thousands of years ago, and other languages ​​from all over the world! Despite these intensive studies, could not be reached depending on the final interpretation of the traditional scientific reasoning. And including:

 Speak languages ​​alive

Dr. "Ian Stevenson," A academics the most respected in the United States the allocation of a research study dealing with this phenomenon, and is one of the most important studies on this subject and wrote in 1974 a book titled "Zinoglosaa" said the many cases documented, and it was surprisingly are those shown by an American woman aged 37 years During Tnoimha magnetically has changed the tones of her voice completely transformed her voice to the sound of a man, and happened to be speaking fluent in Swedish and I woke up after a session of hypnosis I forgot everything and is unable to utter any character from the Swedish

After that busy, Dr. Stevenson in this particular case, for 8 years, and started studying in the science of language and speaking tones are different, was assisted by many experts and specialists to help him to reach a scientific explanation provides the appropriate response to a question puzzling and difficult: "How can a tone of female, to become transformed to the tone of a man ?! ".

In another case of not less surprising for the former busy Dr. Stevenson about the Indian woman named "Uttar Hodar", the age of 32 years old when he turned her to the character of a housewife married to West Bengal, she lived there in the 18th century, and started talking in Bengali rather than its original language the current language (Marathi), and was hit by this case for periods exceeding several weeks sometimes been forced at times to instruct the people Bangladeshis to help these women to communicate with her family, and he said that the situation in the magazine "American society for the research of catalytic", issue July , 1980

The researcher "nights and Watson", described a strange incident that appeared when a boy aged 10 years of Indian Alaagaarot living in the valley Kagalln remote in the Philippines, this boy did not hear or familiar with any language, only language, but during bouts of a particular engage in a near coma, and begins to speak the language of the Zulu language of South African fluently!, it is impossible to have the boy learn this language in his life. And have been known to Watson, he spent the period of his life in South Africa!

Speak the languages ​​of ancient or extinct

Some people sometimes sleep in the case of magnetic or other alternative states of consciousness, speak languages ​​of the very old are no longer used in this era and became confined to the archaeologists and anthropologists and recall of these cases:

Dr. "Morris Ntherton" a case study of the strange boy was the ability of European blue eyes and blond Odhu to speak the language of a very ancient Chinese during the hypnosis session, the doctor has recorded voice of the boy in the cassette tape and take it to a professor in the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of California in order to know the kind of language that turned out to be a Chinese language before the extinction of more than a thousand years!

In 1990, psychiatrist Australian "Peter Ramstr" documented many of the cases studied carefully in a book titled: "Search for previous generations," and received a case of an Australian woman named "Cynthia Henderson," which did not learn the French language only for a few months in but in the seventh grade magnetic sleep, was able to speak fluently in French with a French native! Commented that the French way as she peppered the net and do not any English language! And they used French words and terms were prevalent only in the 18th century

According to Dr. "Joel Wheaton," the case of Mr. "Harold Jorska" through which the magnetic sleep wrote 22 words and a section dating back to Viking times! And known experts on ten of these words and concluded that it was an ancient language used in Scandinavia. The remaining words, were from Russia, Serbia and Slavic language! And all these languages ​​are spoken from the sea, ships and cruises!

One of the studies mentioned in the "research community catalytic" on the state got in 1931 with the British girl (from Blackpool) called "Rosemary". Began to speak in ancient Egyptian, which has taken a personal Egyptian girl called "Teljka Ventao", she lived in Egypt dated 1400 BC, and was able to write 66 sections in hieroglyphics and in front of a specialist in Egyptian antiquities Professor "Howard Hume," was able to this girl to speak fluently the language of not been used for thousands of years, and was not familiar only between a small group of academics, specialists in ancient civilizations!

 The multiplicity of characters and reincarnation

In 1977, doctors discovered in the prison reform actually in the state of Ohio that "Billy Mulligan" which is one of the prisoners, contaminated with two identities different from his core, and each of the two characters Ahlgreptin have their own language, when can one personalities of the lead becomes a prisoner's name, "Abdul God "and begins to speak in Arabic and written to perfection and when you receive other personal ownership, it becomes the prisoner's name" Rogaine "and begins to speak in Croatian and Serbian!

 The girl was the U.S. "to Oranci day the" age of 14 years when it turned her personality to the character of "Marie Rolf," neighbor's daughter who died when she was 19 years old, Omar was "to Oranci" When she died, only 5 months, she lived my family the girls away from each other only in a short period housing where sailors and one but "Oranci" personality the new claimed that the family, "Rolf" are her parents! "I've met all the friends of the family of Rolf and their relatives, and has nominated one by one properly without any error, and I knew about the precise details can not be known through normal, and said the events occurred in the minutes of life, "Marie Rolf," and this situation lasted for 4 months, during which he impersonated a Oranci Marie Rolf personality perfectly!

After that appeared many studies such as the study Professor "with. Janet," which discussed the issue of a girl named "Leonie" and Dr "Morton Prince," which examined in the case of a man named "Louis Five" and a woman named "Sally Bichamb," which appeared to have three characters other than herself!. And the status of the girl "Doris Vcher" studied by Dr. known as "Walter Prince," who wrote two volumes on the full case!.

Has been defined in many cases similar to the above in the medical community, especially psychiatry, and doctors called this phenomenon, schizophrenia (acute), but it seems it is not so.

 Mediators Spiritualist

The argument spirituality "Pearl Korgen" from St. Louis almost ignorant and uneducated, but able to write stories and novels in classical English language, and wrote 60 novels and a play and a poem! In addition to the epic poem consisting of 60 thousand words!

The "Medium" American "George Valentine" pronunciation in all its spirituality from Russian, German, Spanish and Welsh (rate for Wales in Britain).

The Brazilian spiritual mediator "Carlos Mirabala" He spoke and wrote more than 30 different languages, including language of Syria (Syria, Damascus dialect) as well as Japanese, all of this was the presence of a group of scientists and researchers and an audience consisting of 5000 people!

Has long been considered the case to speak the language alien or a tone (the character) voice is different from the familiar sound spontaneously during the course of Exorcism Exorcism or jinn which is overseen by a sheikh or a monk or healer spiritual one features Satanic Possession or acquisition (flagrante delicto) Possession, and many of us look at this in horror movies.

During the acquisition of experiencing a personal victim of harm alleged a change vague Vtakhtfa his personality is replaced by another character other strange is quite different from his original (Read about the experience and realistic: the Norse), which can then speak the languages ​​of exotic or non-Mvhmuma has never learned before in his life. And to acquire many manifestations of the devil and also acquire involuntary acquisition.

The Satanic Possession strongly believe strongly in the thinking of the ancients before putting the foundations of psychology and psychiatry, which he considered the case of schizophrenia, mental (schizophrenia) or a form of hysteria or nervous breakdown (read about schizophrenia, mental and Satanic Possession), but they are still echoes of this belief is widespread in communities current, especially in the Arab and Islamic societies and this is confirmed by the proportion of trials in which realism, often directed fingers at the jinn or demons in a large number of psychological conditions such as epilepsy

The phenomenon of skeptics Zinoglosaa reasons and their interpretation is most important that the person who spoke a strange language had already learned during the period of his life, but he concealed this fact which misled researchers. That is why researchers have committed themselves to extreme precision and attention during their studies in order to avoid all the various factors that support the interpretation of the skeptics and the addition to the interpretations adopted by the skeptics, such as deception and Alkrebtomnezia also adopted a telepathy and genetic inheritance.

However, did not show any documented study to date to remember people who were able to learn a language foreign to them by telepathy hand, genetic inheritance can not be the one that connects the Chinese language extinct thousands of years ago boy a European Blond, blue-eyed, which makes it speaks, depending on the genetic inheritance.

A report by the ABC's of U.S. on the phenomenon of speaking in tongues different Speaking in Tongues, believed by many Christians as a gift from God, and that the Holy Spirit replace them Fantqon tongue is different, the University of Philadelphia to conduct a study on those people who have that "gift" and found that What speak does not constitute actually what we call the "language of order" Regurlar Language, but the research has resulted in significant results, but not decisive, after an examination of an MRI on them and the comparison between the image of brain activity during spoken in their native language they teach and the image of brain activity during Ntgahm tongue different (in trance) found that when he says the original language was a center of activity in the frontal lobe is known as a specialist language while addressing different parts of the brain are active during the person's pronunciation of a strange tongue. Note that the study could not determine whether the phenomenon is very real, and could not explain why they occur.

 Was known since the beginnings of history that there is continuity with the supernatural beings that are different descriptions and names, depending on the nature of the different culture and belief system of the tribe or people, Varafna Kgan concepts and demons and spirits, ghosts, and the giant ogre and nymphs and angels ... And others, each unique culture was characterized, not only for Pkaúnadtha metaphysical or mythical, but also characterized by traditions governing the handling and this in turn raises many questions:

Are you seeking these objects to communicate through the Incarnation of the human and what is its purpose behind it? Do you want only to demonstrate its power?

Is there reincarnation of souls wandering in ages of the bodies of these people?

Do you actually to the jinn and devils role in this phenomenon (a question for specialists in the victims of harm)?

Is there an Arab studies on the phenomenon of multiple personalities in one body and speak different languages​​?

Are there any readers of inspected or seen? And how was it


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