Saturday, September 22, 2018

Lost Kingdom Myth

Shambhala signifies "the place where there is peace and serenity", a thought that originated from the Tibetan land in China and manages perfect or semi-idealize animals that live and light up the way of human advancement. Shambala is a wellspring of Kalachakra, the largest amount of Sufism in Tibet, A gathering of priests and legends tell that he lives in Shambala just on the off chance that he has an unadulterated heart and who lives there appreciates bliss and comfort and does not know the significance of torment. Love and insight oversee conduct, and equity isn't known. The two Chambals are long and their bodies are wonderful and idealize and have phenomenal capacities. Their profound otherworldliness and innovation are extremely best in class, their laws are direct and their investigation of expressions and sciences covers all parts of the social vanguard and advances many occasions over what the outside world has come to. It is said that Shambala is a kingdom of lotus shape with its eight crowns and its capital, Calaba. It is encompassed by snow-topped mountains, with incredible wellbeing and lavishness, many years old and the royal residences of the pagoda.

Notwithstanding, Chambala stays escaped see the same number of voyagers and searchers of profound astuteness neglect to decide its geographic area on the guide. Numerous individuals trust that it lies in the uneven locales of Eurasia (including the landmasses of Asia and Europe) and is encompassed by snow-topped mountains, But various other individuals who have come back from investigation surmise that "shambala" rises above physical truth and considers it to be a scaffold associating our reality past. One of the Dalai Lama, the head of the Tibetan clerics and thought to be the god they look over the soonest age, composed that there is a consider vagueness in antiquated messages about the place of Chambala. The design is to keep Chambala escaped the eyes of the individuals who portray them as explorers By assuming control over the world.

The legend (as per the Dalai Lama) expresses that: "The progressive crumple of humankind is because of the materialistic methodology that spreads all through the earth. At the point when the time comes, the brutes take after that belief system and join under the administration of an underhanded lord and feel that there is nothing else they can In the immense last fight, the malicious ruler and his supporters will lose the forceful Shambala, will's identity crushed by a powerful armed force furnished with marvelous weapons, however Rodra Cakrin, the ruler of Shambala, will lead the gigantic group against the intruders. They are decimated totally. "

What's more, we think about whether there is a connection between the general population of the Kingdom of "Shambala" and the general population of Gog and Magog said in the Holy Quran and their story with Zulkarnain ?! Particularly since Gog and Magog are undetectable and have their own kingdom. Allaah says (elucidation of the signifying): "Regardless of whether he achieves the start of the sun, he will locate her anticipating individuals whom we didn't make without her. In the event that Gog and Magog ruin the earth, will we make you turn out to make among us and them a dam. "

What's more, the indications of great importance discuss the development of Gog Magog vanished currently as per various fair discussions, where described Ahmed and Abu Dawood and the ruler and Ibn Habban from Abu Hurayrah; stated: The Messenger of Allah peace arrive: Gog and Magog burrow each day, regardless of whether they nearly observe the shaft The sun; he said that they should: return; we will burrow it tomorrow, and God will reestablish it to what it was, regardless of whether it achieved their degree and God needed to send them to the general population; burrow, regardless of whether they nearly observe the sun; And leave, and they come back to him as his body when they exited, Vjvronh, and go out on individuals, and water, and invigorate The general population of them are in their strongholds, and they toss their bolts into the sky, and the blood that I hold keep down on them. They say: We have mistreated the general population of the earth and the general population of paradise. The old messages in Tibet may allude to the same undetectable individuals in the kingdom of Chambala and their approaching fight
In the book "Unraveling the secrets of the horns, the sorrows and the glories" by Hamdi bin Hamza Abu Zaid, he found that during his visit to China as the head of the Saudi cycling team participating in a competition there in 2000 he did some research and identified a professor of the University of Tinkwa in Shanghai named Huxiao Tian He asked him once about the story of Gog and Magog. Here was the surprise. The Chinese professor said that the word "Y" means "Chinese" and "Gog" means "Ya Jou" and speaks the Chinese language exactly as you read it in the Holy Quran With the settlement of the thousand in (Y) and the marginalization of the letter C in the word (Jou) When asked about the word (Magog) said it means Horse) as (a) means a horse or horses in Chinese and (Jou) means the continent or the people, then the words (Gog and Magog), the whole is a Chinese-language current despite the passage of more than 3,300 years! , This indicates that the Chinese were speaking the same language as the current and also an indication of the authenticity of that language, in the end we conclude that the phrase means "the people of Asia, and the people of the continent of horses," Is Gog and Magog were descended from the yellow race?

When East civilization caught up with the West, the Shambhala myth emerged from the archive of time. Today, we have a large number of Buddhist texts on the same subject, as well as reports written by Western explorers during their arduous journey to search for the lost Chambala. The West was known as the "Chambala" for the first time by the Catholic missionary mission led by Portuguese Stavio Cassella who heard about Chambala and mistakenly thought that it meant China and spoke "Zimbala" but he knew the truth of the word upon his return to India in 1627. In 1883 he spoke Hungarian scholar Sandor Corusi Soma wrote in his writings about the geographical location of a country he described as magnificent, located north between the 45th and 50th degrees. Some later writers have focused on the concept of the hidden land inhabited by lost brothers who seek the goodness of humanity. The writer Alice Bailey considers Shambhala a place located in another spatial dimension or spiritual reality in the world of ether. Between 1924 and 1928, the couple Nicholas and Helena Roerich led a mission to discover Shambala. In 1926 and 1928, the Soviet client Yakov Belmkin led two expeditions in Tibet to discover a "shambala." In this way, the German Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess led exploration missions to Tibet in 1930 and 1934, 1935 and also in 1938 and 1939 "According to some of the Nazis, Chambala was a underworld and a source of negative energy unleashed by Satan in a conspiracy to corrupt morals.

Shambhala was immortalized in Western thought through Lost Horizon or Lost Horizon in 1937 and 1973. The films are based on a mythical and fantastical idea of ​​a novel of the same name as James Hilton, published in 1933, about a missing place called " Shangri-La "refers to the idea of" shambala "and the change of name.

In 2009, a video game developed by Naughty Dog, Uncharted 2: Among Theives, was released. The phrase "Shambhala" is heard with accompanying music. The game is based on the fictional idea that the voyage of the famous Italian explorer Marco Polo, who returned from China in 1292, Including an attempt to reach the "Shambala", which was embodied in the game as a huge city of the ancient tree of life.
Known as the "land of the living fire, the land of the living and the land of wonders." The Hindus were known as the "Ariyarsha" in relation to the land from which the teachings came from The Vedas were called by the Chinese as "Hsi Tien" or the Holy West. In Russia, there is a well-known Christian sect dating back to the 19th century known as the "Belovodi", known by the Kilarzhs as "Gnidar" I knew about Asia in general, in its name as the crook J "Shambhala"

Shambhala means "land of peace and tranquility", an idea that came from the Tibetan land in China and deals with ideal or semi-perfect creatures that live and illuminate the path of human development. Shambala is a source of Kashakra, the highest level of Sufism in Tibet, Of the monks and tell the legends that he lives in Chambala only if he has a pure heart and who lives there enjoys happiness and comfort and does not know the meaning of suffering. Love and wisdom govern behavior, justice is something unknown. Its deep and their technology very advanced, moderate and study their rules of Arts and Sciences covering the entire spectrum of lead and cultural progress on what many by far reached the outside world. It is said that Shambala is a kingdom of lotus shape, with its eight capitals and its capital, Calaba. It is surrounded by mountains that cover its snow peaks. Its inhabitants enjoy excellent health and richness. They are hundreds of years old and their palaces are shaped like pagoda domes. Palace of Peace and Peace ", and this is still the most famous name for it.
Indian ronas have said that the future Savior of the world called "Kalki Avatara" and this Savior will come from the Kingdom of Shambala. It is known that the Buddhist and Hindu traditions describe Shimbala as having a large and very large central palace that emits light at the height of power and intensity. It is the spiritual center of the world and the center of the arrivals of every race, country and people, who were influential in every major religion, every scientific role and every social movement that has taken place in history.

Buddhist texts say that Chambala can be reached after a long and difficult journey through the prairies, deserts and mountains, and warns that only those who have been baptized, where they are spiritually recorded, can find them, while others will find only the storms of sight and empty mountains or even death.

One of the texts says that the kingdom of Chambala is circular, but often depicted as the eight-legged lotus. One of the ancient accounts in Tibet has already stated that "the kingdom of Chambala is in your heart."

As Odin Burnham points out in the writing of the guidebooks to Shambala: the directions leading to it are complex and a combination of reality and fiction.

However, Chambala remains hidden from view as many explorers and seekers of spiritual wisdom fail to determine its geographic location on the map. Many people believe that it lies in the mountainous regions of Eurasia (comprising the continents of Asia and Europe) and is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, But a number of other people who have returned from exploration think that "shambala" transcends physical truth and sees it as a bridge connecting our world beyond. One of the Dalai Lama, the chief of the Tibetan priests and considered to be the god they choose from the earliest age, wrote that there is a deliberate ambiguity in ancient texts about the place of Chambala. The purpose is to keep Chambala hidden from the eyes of those who describe them as pilgrims By taking over the world.
When the East Civilized the West, the Shambhala legend emerged from the archive of time. Today, we have a large number of Buddhist texts on the same subject, as well as reports written by Western explorers during their arduous journey to search for the lost Chambala. The West was known as "Chambala" for the first time by the missionary Catholic mission led by Portuguese Stavio Cassella who heard about Chambala and mistakenly thought it meant China and spoke Zimbala, but he knew the truth when he returned to India in 1627.

In 1883 Hungarian scholar Sandor Corusi Soma spoke in his writings about the geographical location of a country he described as magnificent, located north between the 45th and 50th degrees. Some later writers have focused on the concept of the hidden land inhabited by lost brothers who seek the goodness of humanity. The writer Alice Bailey considers Shambhala a place located in another spatial dimension or spiritual reality in the world of ether.

Between 1924 and 1928, the couple Nicholas and Helena Roerich led a mission to discover Shambala.

In 1926 and 1928, the Soviet client Yakov Belmkin led two expeditions in Tibet to discover a "shambala." In this way, the German Heinrich Himmler and Rudolf Hess led exploration missions to Tibet in 1930 and 1934, 1935 and also in 1938 and 1939 "According to some of the Nazis, Chambala was a underworld and a source of negative energy unleashed by Satan in a conspiracy to corrupt morals

Some say it is located in Tibet, perhaps in mountains called Kunlun and others believed to be located in the surrounding areas of Mongolia at the intersection of the Chinese Sinqiang. But most likely, the kingdom of Chambala is located in Siberia or somewhere in Russia or In the Arctic, they are surrounded by ice and icebergs, and there are many priests who point out that they exist outside the globe, on another planet or in another dimension

The legend (as per the Dalai Lama) expresses that: "The slow fall of humankind is because of the materialistic methodology that spreads all through the earth, and when the time comes, the brutality takes after that belief system and joins under the initiative of an underhanded lord and conceives that there is nothing else they can In the colossal last fight, the insidious ruler and his devotees will lose the relentless Shambala, will's identity vanquished by a forceful armed force outfitted with marvelous weapons. Be that as it may, Rodra Cakrin, the ruler of Shambala, will lead the gigantic group against the intruders. They are devastated totally. "

Furthermore, the indications of great importance discuss the development of Gog Magog vanished presently as per various legitimate discussions, where described Ahmed and Abu Dawood and the ruler and Ibn Habban from Abu Hurayrah; stated: The Messenger of Allah peace arrive: Gog and Magog burrow each day, regardless of whether they nearly observe the shaft The sun; he said that they should: return; we will burrow it tomorrow, and God will reestablish it to what it was, regardless of whether it achieved their degree and God needed to send them to the general population; burrow, regardless of whether they nearly observe the sun; And leave, and they come back to him as his body when they cleared out, Vjvronh, and go out on individuals, and water, and brace The general population of them are in their strongholds, and they toss their bolts into the sky, and the blood that I hold keep down on them. They say: We have abused the general population of the earth and the general population of paradise.

The old messages in Tibet may allude to the same imperceptible individuals in the kingdom of Chambala and their pending fight

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