Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Legend of Hammu Onawar

In the days of yore he was conceived a vagrant called "Hamo Onamir" was a splendid delight and live with his mom, which raised the best instruction and acquainted him with the book to figure out how to peruse and compose and retain the Koran. When he turned into a young fellow, he turned into the most delightful man in the town, cherished by everybody and respected his magnificence and excellence. One day he woke up as normal and discovered his hands enlivened with henna. When he went to the book and admonished by the legal scholar and requested to beat him so as not to place henna in his grasp once more. On the following day, he discovered his hands again beautified with henna. The Faqih rehashed it a few days, until the point that the Faqih understood that Onamir was abused. He said to him, "Don't rest this night until the point that you know who places henna in your grasp."

Onamir did not prescribe that the legal scholar did not rest that night and held up a drawn-out period of time putting on a show to rest and see him a line of fairies enter the window and home in it and start to place henna in his grasp, and wonder about their magnificence and excellence. At that point they went out one by one and vanished into the haziness before the first light came. Enamir went to the thousand and let him know all that he saw. He said to him: "This time take with you a string and a needle and the line of garments with the fairies and garments, and when they need to abandon consistently until the job of the remainder of them whenever requesting that you discharge her reveal to her that you need to wed her.

"We implore you, O Unamir, to discharge us to join our kin in the seventh paradise before the morning." Then Onamir terminated them in a steady progression, and after that he rested with them. "Release me to my family in paradise. You can not satisfy your guarantees to me," said the lady. "I will go all my way back," said the sprite. "I need you to have a house in seven rooms, One, you keep it, nobody ever observes me. "Onamer assembled a house in seven rooms, one inside Then, the mummy remained in the last room, and the seven entryways were shut with one key, so nobody could see his mystery.

One day the fairy requested that Onamir bring her venison, and he went out to get his pony after he concealed the key in a pile. His mom dependably got some information about the mystery of the seven rooms, so she didn't answer her. "She said to him," What have you discovered, my dear dick? " And he stated, "I have discovered the way to Onamir, which shuts the seven chambers!" The mother cheered and took the key and opened the entryways of the rooms in a steady progression until the point when she achieved the last room, and found the sprite sitting, brushing her long dark hair and lighting the place with its magnificence. She started to censure and revile her and say, "What are you doing here? Go where you originate from!" Then the entryways shut and restored the way to his place

Onamir came back from angling and entered the fairy and discovered her crying and the earth was gobbled up by her tears. He asked her for what good reason she was crying. She stated, "You have not satisfied your guarantee to me. At that point she approached him to open the window for her to inhale some air. She sobbed for her bitterness and opened the window to her and flew out of the sky and stated, "Farewell, Unamir, on the off chance that you need to see me once more, it is right in the seventh paradise!" days passed, and Onamir does not eat, drink or rest. One day he chose to search for an approach to get to paradise. He took his steed and left his mom and went venturing out from nation to nation until the point that he met an old man disclosed to him that the best way to achieve the seventh paradise is to be conveyed by the considerable bird situated in the Green Mountain.

He went to the Green Mountain for a couple of years until the point when he contacted him and approached the immense falcon and disclosed to him his story. The falcon said to him: "Your story is extremely tragic, yet I am worn out and I have fallen. "On the off chance that you will put a conclusion to your torment, butcher me so you can get your foot in the seventh paradise," said the steed. What's more, Onamper butchered his pony, sobbing and nourishing the bird from it until the point when his quality returned, and his quills developed, and he spared seven bits of substance to bolster him amid the adventure. He conveyed the bird on his back and requested him not to talk, and he set off toward the seventh paradise.

When he achieved one of the sky, Onamir bolstered him a bit of meat until the point that he moved toward the last paradise. The last bit of meat tumbled from the hand of Onamir, and the hawk started to neglect to fly, however he didn't find that a bit of tissue had been cut into his body for the bird until the point when he conveyed it to the seventh paradise. "I implore you, mother, to demonstrate to me the whereabouts of my relative I am Hamo, who is originating from the earth." And he assumed him to the position where he needed, and there he discovered his opportunity. What's more, the relative, Hamo, educated Allam of everything that was in her royal residence until the point when she achieved a stone on a little hole and said to him, "This stone never moves."

He passed on the days after another, and he missed his mom and was not ready to isolate her. He lifted the stone and tumbled from the opening on the ground. He saw his mom alone, blinded by crying. Also, he tossed himself from the gap to the ground, and the breeze blew and drops of blood fell. One of them fell on the neck of the sheep and murdered him, and another fell on the mother's eyes and came back to her sight. "O my mom, return to you, don't lament me any longer!" "He said

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