Friday, October 12, 2018

Draba mysterious disks

In 1938, in the Baian-Kara-I mountains on the border between China and Tibet, the expedition led by Professor Chi Po Tai of Beijing University penetrated the rough road between the Himalayas, where they found some caves that showed they were inhabited They were the first to notice that the caves were intricately carved and formed a complex system of channels and storage rooms, and their walls were quite straight. Inside the rooms were some monuments and places of special burial table and found skeletons of people with strange bodies, the structures indicated that their lengths were slightly more than four feet (122 cm), the bones were fragile and the skull large disproportionately with the body. A member of the exploration team suggested that it belonged to a species of monkeys, but the proposal was rejected by Professor Chi Bo Tai, as no one had ever heard of monkeys burying their dead or building a complicated system. Further discoveries within the caves added more validity to the professor's hypothesis.

On the walls of the caves, the team found illustrations of the sun, moon, stars and earth, and there were lines of points connecting them.

But the most important discovery ever was stone tablets found buried in the cave floor! , The disc had a diameter of 9 inches (22.8 cm) and a depth of 0.75 inches (1.9 cm). In the center was a completely circular hole with a diameter of 0.75 inches (1.9 cm) and found on the face of the disk a engraved engraving accurately appears out of the hole in the middle Ledur and ends at the frame of the disk, was found 716 tablets, the discs are back to 10.000 - 12.000 years ago, that is, the oldest of the pyramids in Egypt, and each disk contains a bunch of secrets! The inscription on the face of each tablet has never been a regular engraving, but research has shown that it is a continuous line of hieroglyphic writing! The writing was too small, or even a microcosm. In 1962, another Chinese scientist deciphered the writing on the disks, which contained so much information that the prehistoric section of Peking University prevented its publication

In 1962, Dr. Tsum Om Niu was aware of the face of one of the tablets and asked what was and what was hiding. He recalled how these tablets were discovered in 1938. There were many attempts to decipher their secrets and all were unsuccessful.

The doctor was copying what he saw on the face of the disc in his paper, was written on the disk is small and difficult to read forced by the doctor to use it magnifying magnifying glass, the task was very difficult, the disk existed for 12000 years, the doctor was wondering what the people who made it, who they were? how could they write these symbols with such a small font? The purpose is to write the symbols on hundreds of discs. When the Doctor finished copying the CDs on paper, he began translating them and deciphering them, word of word, sentence sentence, and line by line. So he finally decoded it completely! The code was written by people who call themselves darbas, but what they had to do with the discs was hard to believe. The discs were about a spacecraft coming from a distant planet that landed on the ground 12,000 years ago. Those who were on board were found in caves The Himalayas are a safe haven for them, but even though the Drubs are pacifist people, the Han tribe, which lived in caves close to the Drupa caves, initially feared them and killed some of them.

The tablets continue to tell us the story of the Druba, where they remember that they could not repair their spacecraft and therefore could not return to their planet, so stay on the planet !. But if this is true, are their grandchildren present

Today, in the isolated region, Han and Daruba are inhabited by two tribes, but the scholars can not classify these two tribes. They are neither Chinese tribes nor Tibetan tribes. The two dwarf-skinned pygmies and thin bodies with large heads, their bodies resembling the structures found by Professor Chi Po Tai in 1938, have wide pale blue eyes that do not resemble Asian eyes in any way.

In 1968, the Russian scientist Saitsu studied the components of the stone tablets. It was found that granite rocks contain a high concentration of cobalt and some other elements, making it the hardest rock to make it difficult for normal human ability to dig such inscriptions, On the tablets! , And found electrical properties, which I think could be used as electrical connections !.

Today, drabas are still a mystery to scientists. Is it the story of coming from another real planet? Or is it just a legend? No one knows yet

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